Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

What type of diet is best for me quiz - Fun weight loss quiz

What type of diet is best for me quiz - Fun weight loss quiz from Lori Bethel on Vimeo.
If you tried many types of diet but still hard to loss weight, maybe we need to more understand what really happen with our body. If we understand our body then we can choose what kind or what diet is best diet for me, and what type of diet right for your body. This quiz are designed by Jon Gabriel, as you see at the video he already success lose his weight more than 220 lbs (100 kg). After his success he help many people to achieve ideal body.

From Jon Gabriel point of view weight gain gain is often caused by physical, emotional, or environment triggers that are confusing your body on a biological level. We need holistic approach to transform our body permanently. If you can turn off your FAT Programs this will transform your body & life forever. Because if you turn off your FAT programs your weight will fell off easily.

So What is FAT Programs? FAT stands for “Famine And Temperature”. And how this FAT programs works? Okay in the past our ancestor faced famines and ice age and there is no technology to help they with that, so a fat storage survival mechanism came into play. Their body have to defend, their body will keep excess fat on our body helped keep our ancestor alive. And these FAT Programs are still very much a part of our genetic inheritance.

In these modern life this FAT programs still working as survival mechanism but the triggers are different. The triggers are  physical, emotional, and environment. For example: stress, pollution, or we are very afraid about something. And this triggers the FAT programs to keep excess fat on our body as survival mechanism. So with this quiz question we can analyze what triggers this FAT programs. After we know the triggers, Jon Gabriel will help with the solution. If you still ask what diet works best for me? just visit Job Gabriel website​ and finish the quiz. And you will get your ideal body soon :)

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