Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

What type of diet is best for me quiz - Fun weight loss quiz

What type of diet is best for me quiz - Fun weight loss quiz from Lori Bethel on Vimeo.
If you tried many types of diet but still hard to loss weight, maybe we need to more understand what really happen with our body. If we understand our body then we can choose what kind or what diet is best diet for me, and what type of diet right for your body. This quiz are designed by Jon Gabriel, as you see at the video he already success lose his weight more than 220 lbs (100 kg). After his success he help many people to achieve ideal body.

From Jon Gabriel point of view weight gain gain is often caused by physical, emotional, or environment triggers that are confusing your body on a biological level. We need holistic approach to transform our body permanently. If you can turn off your FAT Programs this will transform your body & life forever. Because if you turn off your FAT programs your weight will fell off easily.

So What is FAT Programs? FAT stands for “Famine And Temperature”. And how this FAT programs works? Okay in the past our ancestor faced famines and ice age and there is no technology to help they with that, so a fat storage survival mechanism came into play. Their body have to defend, their body will keep excess fat on our body helped keep our ancestor alive. And these FAT Programs are still very much a part of our genetic inheritance.

In these modern life this FAT programs still working as survival mechanism but the triggers are different. The triggers are  physical, emotional, and environment. For example: stress, pollution, or we are very afraid about something. And this triggers the FAT programs to keep excess fat on our body as survival mechanism. So with this quiz question we can analyze what triggers this FAT programs. After we know the triggers, Jon Gabriel will help with the solution. If you still ask what diet works best for me? just visit Job Gabriel website​ and finish the quiz. And you will get your ideal body soon :)

from Honest Products Reviews For You

Senin, 19 Desember 2016

How To Conceive A Girl – 9 Tips To Conceive A Baby Girl

If your heart melts each time you see a teeny tiny pink frilly tutu, you may be wondering how you can guarantee yourself a daughter.

In truth, there is no way to naturally determine the sex of your baby. There are two scientific methods that claim some degree of success for gender selection, but these methods are contradictory in nature and may not work for you. Of course, the most important thing is a healthy baby. If you want to try to conceive a girl, here are 9 tips:

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #1: The Shettles Method

This method has been around since the 1960s, and claims a 75 percent success rate for couples hoping to conceive a girl. Dr Shettles believed that the most important factor in gender determination, was timing. The baby’s gender is determined by the chromosome carrying sperm. Boy sperm swim faster, but survive for shorter periods of time than their female producing counterparts. Girl sperm are stronger and more resilient, yet swim slower than boy sperm.

According to the Shettles method, you should have sex two to four days before ovulation if you are hoping to conceive a girl. By the time ovulation occurs, only the girl sperm should be left to fertilise the egg. Dr Shettles advises that if you wish to conceive a girl, you should avoid intercourse when you have clear, egg-yolk like vaginal mucus, as this is a sure sign of ovulation. It should be noted, however, that avoiding intercourse during this time can reduce your likelihood of conceiving at all.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #2: The Whelan Method

The other commonly used method was created by Dr Whelan, and claims a 57 percent success rate for couples who wish to conceive a girl. Dr Whelan’s theory has slightly different timings, and to have a girl, she advises you to have sex two to three days before ovulation. For a boy, she suggests four to six days pre-ovulation to be the peak time. The Whelan and Shettles method are contradictory, and both have cheerleaders claiming success, but it is difficult to judge whether these successes were truly a result of the method, or simply that the outcome remained the same regardless of the method used.

There is a limited amount of research in existence to support the two methods above. For the advice below, however, the proof is even harder to come by. The following factors are often cited by couples claiming to have successfully determined their baby’s sex, but there is no scientific proof to back up these statements. The following factors may in fact just be myths circulating of how to conceive a gir.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #3: Make It Your Mission

To conceive a boy, deep penetration is key, but for a girl, the opposite is true. Having sex in the missionary position is said to increase your chance of conceiving a girl, because it limits the depth of penetration. This in turn, restricts how close to the cervix, the sperm are ejaculated. Boy sperm swim very fast for short periods, so by preventing deep penetration, you may be able to prevent the boy sperm from reaching and fertilising the egg.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #4: No Orgasm

It is also claimed that avoiding orgasm may be the key to conceiving a girl. The female orgasm releases an alkaline secretion which may help boy sperm to survive longer, by creating a less hostile environment. Without these secretions, boy sperm may find it harder to survive, and have less chance of reaching the egg.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #5: More Sex

Rather than restricting your sex life to specific times, when trying for a girl you should aim to have more sex. In the days leading up to your key conception time, you should have as much sex as possible. This will reduce your partner’s sperm count, and mean there are less fast-swimming boy sperm available to join the race for fertilisation.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #6: Veg Out

According to one study, eating more fruit and vegetables can improve your chances of conceiving a girl. Some people believe a vegetarian diet can help you to conceive a girl, especially if you eat foods such as spinach, nuts and broccoli. Foods naturally high in calcium and magnesium, such as leafy greens, fruits and rice, are also said to be good for conceiving girls.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #7: Acid House

Another food related tip, is to eat acidic foods in the days leading up to ovulation. Male sperm are less able to survive in acidic environments, and eating acidic foods can actually alter the pH of your vagina. However, bear in mind that it’s actually unhealthy for your body to be in an acidic state. If you still want to try, stock up on soda, vinegar and chocolate.

Some people believe you should also avoid eating alkaline foods such as apples, almonds, cucumbers and avocado (all very important foods nutritionally) in the run up to ovulation. Having a healthy baby and enough folate in your body to avoid neural tube defects should be more important.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #8: Low Salt

A low salt diet, as well as being healthier, is also said to improve your chances of conceiving a girl. Try cutting out salted meats, olives, blue cheeses and processed food while you are trying to conceive. You should also restrict the amount of salt used during cooking, a skill that will be useful during pregnancy too.

How To Conceive A Girl Tip #9: Bath Time

Some people believe that boy sperm are heat-averse, and so having a bath prior to sex may help to weaken the male sperm awaiting release. A soak in a hot tub would work just as well too.

For most couples, the most important factor for conception is achieving a healthy baby. If you long for a girl, you can try the above methods, but remember there is little to no scientific evidence for most. While there may be plenty of anecdotal evidence about, this doesn’t necessarily mean they will work for you. Some of them, particularly the timing methods, may actually reduce your chances of conception.

from Honest Products Reviews For You

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Sex Positions To Conceive A Girl Naturally

If you’re desperate to add a little girl to your growing family, you may be wondering if you can determine the sex of your unborn baby at conception.

Perhaps you’ve already cut meat from your diet, started to have sex more often, and persuaded your partner to take long baths.

 But, have you made any changes in the bedroom? There are some people who believe the position you have sex in, can actually influence the sex of your child.

Unfortunately there isn’t much science to back this up, although you won’t have to look hard to find anecdotal evidence. So, here’s the low down on sex positions to conceive a girl naturally.

The Theory On Conceiving A Girl Based On Sex Positions

A leading scientist in this area, Doctor Shettles, believed that certain sexual positions gave the advantage to the sperm carrying the chromosome of a particular gender. Doctor Shettles found that boy sperm were weaker but faster than their female counterparts. He believed boy sperm could swim very fast but survived for shorter periods, because of this he felt that sexual positions that allowed for deep penetration gave the upper hand to boy sperm who could swim quickly towards the egg.

Girl sperm, while slower swimmers, have better stamina and are able to travel further to seek out the egg. For this reason, Dr Shettles believed that shallow penetration, which would lead to ejaculation a greater distance from the cervix, would give girl sperm an improved chance of reaching the egg. In this situation, boy sperm would swim very fast for a short time, and would probably never make it to the egg.

The following positions, which allow for limited penetration, are said to be ideal for conceiving a girl:

Sex Position For A Girl #1:
You should lie on your side, and have your partner enter you from behind. This position is called spoons, because you should look like spoons in a drawer, with your partner cuddled up against you as he enters you from behind. The position of your legs while spooning helps to keep penetration shallow.

Sex Position For A Girl #2: Spooning
You should lie on your side, and have your partner enter you from behind. This position is called spoons, because you should look like spoons in a drawer, with your partner cuddled up against you as he enters you from behind. The position of your legs while spooning helps to keep penetration shallow.

Sex Position For A Girl #3: Girl On Top
This position makes it onto both gender lists for conception, and that’s because it’s all about control. If you were hoping for a boy, you would allow deep penetration in this position. Since you are hoping for a girl though, you will be charged with maintaining shallow penetration during sex. Your partner should sit or lie down on the bed, and you should straddle him. Slowly ease your way onto him, but be careful not to let him fully enter you. The key to this position, is to not let him go too deep.

Avoid An Orgasm For A Girl Another popular myth about how to conceive a girl is to avoid having an orgasm during sex. For you, that is – obviously your partner will need to ejaculate for conception to occur. Some people believe that the secretion released during a female orgasm creates an alkaline environment in the vagina that helps boy sperm to survive longer. By avoiding orgasm, and maintaining a more acidic environment, you can increase the chances of girl sperm reaching the egg first.

from Honest Products Reviews For You

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

How to have a Baby at 40 & Pregnancy at 40 success Stories

Article source:

Many 40-plus women do get pregnant, some using fertility treatments and some not. And there may be benefits to waiting to have children – for both you and your child. There are some definite benefits to becoming a parent when you're older: You're more experienced, make wiser parenting decisions, & more financially secure. But chances of having a baby at 40 are a little bit lower than a younger women and men. And there is a little risk too. Don't worry i will share some tips how to get pregnant at 40 fast:

Lose extra pounds

Studies have suggested that couples in which the man is overweight or obese and the woman is of normal weight take longer to conceive than couples with no weight problems.

Some research has also shown that being overweight or obese affects a man's sperm quality, reducing sperm counts and decreasing their ability to swim, as well as increasing damage to genetic material (DNA) in sperm, according to The American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

A recent study found that overweight and obese men were more likely to have low sperm counts or a lack of viable sperm compared with normal-weight men, possibly making it harder for these men to father a child. The researchers suspect that too much body fat may be linked with changes in testosterone and other reproductive hormone levels in men.

Eat healthy foods

The role of diet in male fertility is unclear, Even though the science may be inconclusive, it still makes sense for men to eat a variety of healthy foods, including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are rich sources of antioxidants that may help to produce healthy sperm. Men should also consume fiber-rich foods, healthy monounsaturated fats and moderate amounts of lean protein.

Learn How to Relax

One of the simplest ways of achieving pregnancy is learning how to relax. When a couple has been trying to conceive for several months without any luck, they continuously get more and more stressed as time passes. Allowing stress to take over your body is a sure way to slow down all of your natural bodily functions. Some proven methods of relieving stress are as Yoga and breathing techniques.

Increase the amount of sex you have right before ovulation

If you are tracking your ovulation times, try to have sex often about five days before ovulation begins. Some doctors believe that this is the time when the cervical mucus plug is at its best. It will effectively do its job by providing lubricant so the sperm can easily move through the vagina and into the uterus.

Have sex in the morning

Because of having a good night sleep and being well rested, doctors believe that both the male and female bodies are at their optimum working potential in the early morning hours. This stands true for our reproductive systems as well. Having sex in the morning will provide a higher chance of achieving conception.

So don't discourage just relax and enjoy your sex. This some success stories from woman that have pregnancty at age more than 40:

"Dear Lisa, After 7 years trying to conceive I finally got pregnant 4 weeks after I read your book and followed your program. It was simply amazing. I had history of recurrent miscarriages and was also diagnosed with genetic problems but using your system I got pregnant naturally at age 44& after 2 HSGs and 4 negative IUIs including 6 induction Clomid cycles and laparscopy. Everything in your book makes sense. I am recommending your program to all my friends. God bless you!"

Nicole Terry, Age 44, With Her Baby Dean - Michigan U.S.A

If you ask who is Lisa you can visit her site here and watch her video and read there are many pregnancy at 40 success stories :)

from Honest Products Reviews For You

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Having a Baby Over the Age of 35 May Not be as Difficult as We Have Been Made to Believe

The media appears to have created some social misconceptions that have shaped our collective opinion on a female’s fertile timeline. As it turns out, having a baby over the age of 35 may not be as difficult as we have been made to believe. Here are 7 misconceptions about waiting until you are over 35 to have a baby:

7 Misconceptions About Natural Conception and Pregnancy Over 35 

1. The Monthly Fertile Window – Timing

The misconception  “I have had my cycle for a long time now and I can feel when I am fertile. As long as we are trying to get pregnant around the time I feel like I may be ovulating is good enough.”
Timing your most fertile time is imperative, especially as you age. No one, regardless of age, who is actively trying to conceive is definitely going to get pregnant “when they feel like it”.Fertility charting is the best way to detect your most fertile time, so you can get busy on the days that matter most! There is a very limited time to achieve pregnancy each cycle, so think of fertility charting as one of your most important fertility aides.

2. Natural Conception Statistics

The misconception  “Fertility reporting used to shape our beliefs about conception over 35 comes from studies of natural conception.”
Wrong. Reports used to show fertility statistics most often come from IVF and historical records. Hardly any studies have been done on natural conception and those that have come from small populations. Natural conception is difficult to track in large populations. This leads us to the next misconception – statistics we hear over and over in the media, where do they come from anyway?

Read also:

How Did Lisa Olson Discover The Secrets to Getting Pregnant Fast even if you over 40?

3. Fertility Reporting Used in Studies

The misconception  “Most statistics used to determine how old is too old to have a baby come from modern research conducted on women from recent times.”
I think Jean Twenge said it best in her article How Old is Too Old to Have a Baby?
“…The widely cited statistic that one in three women ages 35 to 39 will not be pregnant after a year of trying, for instance, is based on an article published in 2004 in the journal Human Reproduction. Rarely mentioned is the source of the data: French birth records from 1670 to 1830. The chance of remaining childless—30 percent—was also calculated based on historical populations.
In other words, millions of women are being told when to get pregnant based on statistics from a time before electricity, antibiotics, or fertility treatment. Most people assume these numbers are based on large, well-conducted studies of modern women, but they are not…”

4. Miscarriage and Birth Defects

The misconception  “You are more likely to miscarry and your baby is more likely to be born with a birth defect.”
Only slightly. Yes, the odds increase, but not as much as we are led to believe. Miscarriage statistics commonly come from women undergoing medical fertility treatments or IVF which have a higher miscarriage risk regardless of how old they are.
Early fetal testing (chorionic villus sampling) shows that 99 percent of fetuses are chromosomally normal among 35-year-old pregnant women, 97 percent in 40-year-olds and 87 percent among 45-year-olds. Don’t get me wrong, most women at age 45 will not be able to get pregnant naturally and carry to term, but those who do will likely carry healthy children. The 13 percent that are not chromosomally normal will likely fail to make it past the first trimester, ending in miscarriage. Think of this as natures way of ensuring a healthy baby.

5. Fertility Decline – After the Age of 27 It’s All Downhill

The misconception  “Fertility declines steeply at age 27 and continues to decline even more rapidly at age 35 and over.”
It is true that fertility declines as a woman ages, it does for men too. But what about that steep, rapid decline? Let’s take a look at some more recent studies…
A study published in Fertility and Sterility in March of 2013, found that of 2,820 Danish women trying to get pregnant by having sex during their fertile times, 78 percent of 35-to-40 year olds got pregnant within a year, whereas 84 percent of 20-to-34 years olds achieved pregnancy. This is only a 6 percent difference.
In that same study, researchers discovered that women who had given birth at least once previously, their chance of achieving pregnancy at age 40 was similar to women at age 20.
Another study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2004, examined the chances of pregnancy among 770 European woman over the course of a year. Researchers found that 82 percent of women aged 35 to 39 years, who had sex 2 times a week were able to conceive within a year, compared with 86 percent of women aged 27 to 34 years of age. That is only a 4 percent difference. The study also showed almost identical fertility rates for women in their late 20s and early 30s.

6. There’s Always IVF – Using IVF as a Full-Proof Back-up Plan

The misconception  “ART/IVF treatments are there for those women who waited to try for a baby until their late 30s and over.”
Not true, medical fertility treatments are more often used by couples in their 30s that have reproductive health issues such as endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes and/or male infertility.
As a person ages, so does their cellular health, so thinking you can rely on IVF as a full-proof back-up plan for age related infertility is not a guarantee of success. The longer a woman over 40 waits to go for IVF, the more likely her follicles won’t respond as well to medication stimulation. This is often because the health of the eggs has declined with the natural aging process. Most U.S. IVF clinics have an age limit for allowing use of a woman’s own eggs, this limit is between the ages of 42 and 45. Donor eggs are suggested after the age of 45 and to be honest, using donor eggs has a much higher success rate.

7. Age is the Key Player in Conception

The misconception  “My age is what is going to determine my ability to get pregnant, carry a healthy full-term pregnancy and produce a healthy child”.
False. There are many factors that play a role in a person’s ability to conceive. These include:
  • Diet, nutrition and lifestyle choices
  • Genetics
  • Body fat content
  • Sexual health (exposure to STIs)
  • Hormone levels
  • Reproductive health issues (endometriosis, ovarian cysts, low sperm count, etc.)
It is true that the health of the body declines with age and that there is really no way to reverse the natural aging process. Through good nutrition, regular exercise, healthy lifestyle choices, reduced toxin exposure and regular age appropriate check-ups with your healthcare provider, you can maintain the health of your body which will improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy and child.

Closing Thoughts

When it comes right down to it, each woman is a unique person, not just a statistic, so she must find her own personal fertility reality because that is all that truly matters. Women should get some fertility testing done if they are struggling to conceive. Learning your own fertility profile is going to tell you a lot about your chances of having a baby. Doctors suggest that women over 35 should get fertility testing done if they have been trying for 6 or more months to get pregnant, with no luck.
Despite more recent research showing conception for women over 35-years-of-age looks pretty good, for those women over the age of 42, it appears natural conception is more challenging. For our female readers over 40, don’t give up hope, we have an excellent fertility guide to help you achieve your dream of having a child.

from Honest Products Reviews For You